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Virtual courses

Upcoming Zoom Sessions
Basic Tae Bo® Nation Certification
How much is it to get certified in Tae Bo® Fitness?
How long is my certification good for?
One year from the date of completion.
What do my fees include?
3 virtual on demand training video sessions taught by Billy Blanks®.
The Tae Bo® Nation Certification Manual in PDF
1 six - seven (6 -7) hour live ZOOM class session with Billy Blanks® (and other registrants)
Inclusion in our International Tae Bo® Instructor Directory on the TaeBo.com website
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must have been practicing Tae Bo® Fitness for at least six months
Have a heart for people
Pass a written and practical exam
Written exam is taken online, practical exam is via Zoom session with Billy and other registrants
in person courses

In Person Certification Camp
March 1-2, 2025
Basic Tae Bo® Nation Certification
How much is it to get certified in Tae Bo® Fitness?
How long is my certification good for?
Two years from the date of completion.
What do my fees include?
Two day training session with Billy Blanks® and other registrants
3 virtual on demand training video sessions taught by Billy Blanks®.
The Tae Bo® Nation Certification Manual in PDF
Inclusion in our International Tae Bo® Instructor Directory on the TaeBo.com website
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must have been practicing Tae Bo® Fitness for at least six months
Have a heart for people
Pass a written and practical exam
Written and practical exams are taken on site during your training weekend.